How To Deep Clean Your Pinterest Boards ( 8 Easy Steps)

How To Deep Clean Your Pinterest Boards ( 8 Easy Steps)

Oct 08, 2022

We've all been there. You start out on Pinterest with the best of intentions. You're going to use it to organize your life, get creative inspiration, and document your dream vacation board. But then one day you log on and realize that your boards have gotten away from you. They're a hot mess! If this sounds familiar, don't fret. With a little time and organization, you can get your Pinterest boards back in shape. Here you will find the easy steps on how to deep clean your Pinterest boards.

#1 Make a List

First things first: take inventory of all of your Pinterest boards. Write down the name of each board and what kind of pins it currently contains. This will help you determine which boards need to be kept and which can be scrapped entirely. It will also give you a better idea of how to categorize and organize your remaining boards.

#2 Consolidate Similar Boards

Once you've made a list of all of your boards, take a look at which ones are similar in terms of topic or content. For example, do you have one board for fashion and another for style? If so, you can probably consolidate those into one board instead of having two separate ones. The same goes for any other duplicate boards— see if you can combine them into one cohesive space. This will streamline your Pinterest experience and make it easier for users to find the pins they are looking for.

#3 Create New Boards (or Rename Old Ones)

Now that you've taken stock of all of your existing boards and consolidated them where necessary, it's time to create any new boards that you need. This is also a good opportunity to rename any old boards that no longer reflect their current contents and to use more specific keywords — for example, if you used to have a board dedicated to summer recipes but it's now filled with fall recipes, it might make more sense to rename it accordingly. 

#4 Archive Empty Boards (or those with only a few pins)

Sometimes we create Pinterest boards with good intentions but they never end up getting filled with anything. If you have any empty boards taking up space on your profile, now is the time to get rid of them! Keep in mind that you can always recreate the board later if you change your mind; there's no need to keep an empty board around just for the sake of keeping it.  

#5 Optimize Board Descriptions

Never leave a board description empty. By including keywords in your board descriptions, you can ensure that your boards appear in search results and attract potential customers. In addition, well-written descriptions can help to promote your brand and highlight your unique selling points.

#6 Leave Group Boards that Don't Bring you Traffic

Pinterest group boards are a great way to share your content with a larger audience and get some extra traffic to your website or blog. However, not all Pinterest group boards are created equal. If you're finding that a particular board isn't bringing you any traffic, it may be time to leave that board and find one that's a better fit for your Pinterest marketing strategy. There's no point in staying on a board that isn't helping you achieve your goals.

#7 Create Board Covers

Pinterest board covers are a great way to add some personality to your Pinterest profile. You can use them to showcase your brand, highlight your products or services, or just show off your favorite photos. 

#8 Reorder Your Boards

When you reorder your boards, you're essentially giving yourself a fresh start. You can take the time to think carefully about the boards that will be in the front row. Put all group boards at the end.


There you have it! Those are my top tips for cleaning up your Pinterest boards. By following these steps, you can achieve the beautiful, well-organized feed of your dreams—I promise it's worth the effort. 

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