Everything You Need To Know About Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Everything You Need To Know About Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Dec 04, 2022
Advertising on Pinterest is a great way to reach new customers and promote your products or services. With the right Pinterest ad campaign, you can increase brand awareness, generate more website visits, boost engagement, and even drive sales. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what kind of campaigns you should run and how they differ so that you can get the most out of your advertising efforts on Pinterest. 

Types of Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness campaigns are perfect for businesses who want to reach new audiences on Pinterest with their message or product offering. Brand Awareness campaigns allow businesses to target potential customers based on their interests or demographics so that their ads will be seen by people who may be interested in their product or service but don't know about it yet. Plus, these campaigns are optimized for maximum visibility so that your ad will be seen by more people even if it doesn't result in an immediate click-through rate (CTR). 

When to use: I usually use them for the biggest brands with the biggest budgets as the top of the funnel for gathering audience data.

Video Views

This type of campaign allows businesses to showcase their products or services in a video format, which can be extremely effective in grabbing attention and generating interest. In order to run a successful Pinterest video views campaign, businesses need to create engaging and informative videos that pique users' interests.

When to use: They work in the same way as brand awareness campaigns. Don't confuse them with video pins that we can create to drive actions in the conversion campaigns. The main purpose of video views is to drive more views to those videos.

Consideration (aka traffic)

A Pinterest consideration campaign is a type of online advertising that allows businesses to promote their products or services on the social media platform, Pinterest. Pinterest ads are displayed in the form of images or videos and can be targeted to specific demographics, interests, and locations. When a user clicks on an ad, they are redirected to the business's website. Pinterest traffic campaigns are a great way to reach a wide audience and generate interest in your product or service.

When to use: For new clients, I usually use it as the first cold targeting campaign. It's optimized for cost per click, not conversions. Great for bloggers. For eCommerce, I usually use it to test Idea Pins and retarget warm audiences (because this type of campaign is cheaper than a conversion campaign).


A Pinterest conversion campaign is a type of advertising campaign that is designed to encourage users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a mailing list. Pinterest ads are typically visual in nature and are often displayed as images or videos. When designing a Pinterest conversion campaign, it is important to consider the call to action and to ensure that the ad creative is compelling and relevant to the target audience. In addition, it is important to track conversions in order to measure the success of the campaign.

When to use: I use this type of campaign mainly to find new customers and get conversions (sales or subscriptions). You can also use it for a warm audience (to reconnect with users), but it will be a bit more expensive than a consideration campaign.

Catalog Sales

A Pinterest catalog sales campaign is a campaign in which businesses use Pinterest Ads to drive traffic to their online catalogs. This type of campaign is effective because it allows businesses to target users who are already interested in the products they sell. In addition, Pinterest catalog sales campaigns are relatively easy to set up and manage.

When to use: My favorite type of campaign to retarget warm audiences. This is when my clients get the highest ROAS, but this type of campaign is possible for businesses that have product catalogs.


Pinterest has a variety of ad campaigns available that businesses can use to reach potential customers and increase brand awareness or drive sales depending on their needs. No matter which type of campaign you decide is best for your business goals – make sure it aligns with your overall marketing strategy so that you get the most out of your advertising efforts!